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Wednesday, 20 April 2011

they say III

A hug is a great gift - one size fits all, and it's easy to exchange. ~Author Unknown

Happiness is an unexpected hug. ~Author Unknown

A kiss without a hug is like a flower without the fragrance. ~Proverb

If you're angry at a loved one, hug that person. And mean it. You may not want to hug - which is all the more reason to do so. It's hard to stay angry when someone shows they love you, and that's precisely what happens when we hug each other. ~Walter Anderson, The Confidence Course, 1997

There's nothing like a mama-hug. ~Terri Guillemets

Hugs grease the wheels of the world. ~Author Unknown

Hug someone your appreciation. ~Violet Gartenlicht

A hug is worth a thousand words. ~Author Unknown

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