The Book of Embraces is a mosaic of vignettes, laid meticulously out—poetry next to autobiography, next to political commentary, beside allegory, nudged up against myth—to create a stunning, full-bodied picture of the spectrum of humanity. Galeano is a wonderous and radical story-teller, whose brain child—whose veritable book of wonders—is an articulation of just where the limits of language, indeed, of story telling, lie. And with each subsequent book, he pushes those boundaries farther. In The Book of Embraces, his writing is paired with woodcuts, which further exemplify the already luscious images his prose paint.
"When it is genuine,” Galeano writes, “when it is born of the need to speak, no one can stop the human voice . . . Because every single one of us has something to say to the others, something that deserves to be celebrated or forgiven by others." In his writing, he creates worlds nestled within worlds, and with a flourish of his pen, invites us in. He bids us “turn loose the voices, undream the dreams,” and caught up in his writing, you do—he leaves you no other choice.
En español no hace falta contar quién es Eduardo Galeano.
A continuación fragmentos de "El libro de los abrazos" para disfrutar.
"Un sistema de desvínculo: El buey solo bien se lame.
El prójimo no es tu hermano, ni tu amante. El prójimo
es un competidor, un enemigo, un obstáculo a saltar o
una cosa para usar. El sistema, que no da de comer,
tampoco da de amar: a muchos los condena al hambre
de pan y a muchos más condena al hambre de abrazos."
"El amor es una enfermedad de las más jodidas y contagiosas.
A los enfermos, cualquiera nos reconoce. Hondas
ojeras delatan que jamás dormimos, despabilados
noche tras noche por los abrazos, y padecemos fiebres
devastadoras y sentimos una irresistible necesidad de
decir estupideces."
"Pequeña muerte, llaman en Francia a la culminación del
abrazo, que rompiéndonos nos junta y perdiéndonos nos
encuentra y acabándonos nos empieza. Pequeña muerte,
la llaman; pero grande, muy grande ha de ser, si matándonos nos nace."
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