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Monday, 28 February 2011

Inappropriate or annoying

Alineación al centro
Is it such an inappropriate thing to do ? Queen Elizabeth made the first move!:)

In the next one Tevez doesn't want another hug from Maradona

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Christian side hug

The Christian side hug is a satirical term for a display of affection in which a person hugs another by putting one arm around their shoulders, rather than both arms around them, thus minimizing the chance of inadvertent sexual contact.

Side hugging for religious reasons was first labeled the "Christian side hug" in a rap song written by Ryan Pann of California. The song was performed as a skit at the 2009 Encounter Generation evangelical youth conference (EG), hosted by The Fathers House church in Vacaville, CA. The song's lyrics state that attendees will be sent home if they "front hug," so they should opt for the "Christian side hug" instead. The song's video, which has become somewhat of an internet joke, includes gunshot sounds, sirens, and performers dressed like street thugs.

Pann has said the song was satirizing the Christian habit of side hugging,but another mock rap video from the conference reinforces the Christian Side Hug song's message, making it clear that organizers were serious about keeping physical interactions to a minimum. The list of EG conference rules also includes a ban on public displays of affection.

The Christian side hug within the abstinence movement

EG is not the only religious youth organization to encourage side hugs over front hugs, with magazine (published by Focus on the Family ), advising readers to refrain from front hugging members of the opposite sex as far back as 2007. Also, rules against front hugging are part of at least some youth leader employment agreements.


Thursday, 24 February 2011


Richard Gere and his "effusive" hug and kiss to indian actress Shilpa Shetty that caused riots in India.
The following day several conservative and Hindu groups held protests in New Delhi and cities in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan states.
The demonstrators burned posters and effigies of the stars and said that the kissing act was against Indian culture.
Remember the episode:

What do you think?

Teacher's resignation after a hug with a student

Forbidden hugs at School

Sunday, 20 February 2011

A bit of semantics

EMBRACE: em·brace (m-brs) v. em·braced, em·brac·ing, em·brac·es 1. To clasp or hold close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection. 2. a. To surround; enclose: We allowed the warm water to embrace us. b. To twine around: a trellis that was embraced by vines. 3. To include as part of something broader. See Synonyms at include. 4. To take up willingly or eagerly: embrace a social cause. 5. To avail oneself of: "I only regret, in my chilled age, certain occasions and possibilities I didn't embrace" (Henry James). v.intr. To join in an embrace. n. 1. An act of holding close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection; a hug. 2. An enclosure or encirclement: caught in the jungle's embrace. 3. Eager acceptance: your embrace of Catholicism.
v. hugged, hug·ging, hugs
1. To clasp or hold closely, especially in the arms, as in affection; embrace.
2. To hold steadfastly to; cherish: He still hugs his outmoded beliefs.
3. To stay close to: a sailboat hugging the shore.
To embrace or cling together closely.
1. A close, affectionate embrace.
2. A crushing embrace, as in wrestling.
CUDDLE cuddle [ˈkʌdəl] vb 1. to hold (another person or thing) close or (of two people, etc.) to hold each other close, as for affection, comfort, or warmth; embrace; hug 2. (intr; foll by up) to curl or snuggle up into a comfortable or warm position n a close embrace, esp when prolonged [of uncertain origin] cuddlesome adj cuddly adj

Friday, 18 February 2011

Hug free vs Free hugs

Have you ever felt like Chandler in "Friends"?
"Friends" hug free

While Chandler claims for space, others want to fill it with an embrace :

Wednesday, 16 February 2011


This world is becoming more selfish and apathetic everyday.
Next generations will probably end up being paid... to hug.

"Since 2000, Gao Brothers have hugged hundreds of strangers and organised group hugging performances with strangers at many public locations in different ways and have taken a lot of interesting photographs."see more of hug performance here

GAO Brothers
"The Gao Brothers are looking at people like scientists observing bacilli in the microscope in order to reproduce their movements by choreographing them. Powerless demiurges, they wonder about these damned souls, hard-working, in exile, bruised and blinded by the utopian lights of construction sites, embracing themsleves for a moment of eternity."

Gao Brothers, Twenty People Paid to Hug No. 2 (2001), C-print, courtesy of the artist. [Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver BC, Jan 16-Apr 19]
see more of GAO brothers

Monday, 14 February 2011

♥They'll never surrender♥

Do you want to see two who are so deeply IN LOVE* that don't care about being loved back, hugged back, kissed back, etcetera?

Today is THEIR DAY !

Friday, 11 February 2011

Don't need you anymore

Remember when we used to watch TV from bed on cold winter nights?
Then summertime came, you said you needed air, and perhaps I left the window... maybe... too wide open.

Fortunately for 30 dollars I got my portable hugger that looks like half of a boyfriend’s torso, in a shirt similar to a prison uniform.

If you say it's creepy ... I may think you are jealous.

Happy weekend whoever is reading this!

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Let kids explain it to you

"You didn't call me even when you knew I wasn't feeling well! Why?"
Worst answer ever:
"What could I do? I'm not a doctor."

At least it's worth trying.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Book of embraces/Libro de los abrazos

The Book of Embraces is a mosaic of vignettes, laid meticulously out—poetry next to autobiography, next to political commentary, beside allegory, nudged up against myth—to create a stunning, full-bodied picture of the spectrum of humanity. Galeano is a wonderous and radical story-teller, whose brain child—whose veritable book of wonders—is an articulation of just where the limits of language, indeed, of story telling, lie. And with each subsequent book, he pushes those boundaries farther. In The Book of Embraces, his writing is paired with woodcuts, which further exemplify the already luscious images his prose paint.

"When it is genuine,” Galeano writes, “when it is born of the need to speak, no one can stop the human voice . . . Because every single one of us has something to say to the others, something that deserves to be celebrated or forgiven by others." In his writing, he creates worlds nestled within worlds, and with a flourish of his pen, invites us in. He bids us “turn loose the voices, undream the dreams,” and caught up in his writing, you do—he leaves you no other choice.

En español no hace falta contar quién es Eduardo Galeano.
A continuación fragmentos de "El libro de los abrazos" para disfrutar.

"Un sistema de desvínculo: El buey solo bien se lame.
El prójimo no es tu hermano, ni tu amante. El prójimo
es un competidor, un enemigo, un obstáculo a saltar o
una cosa para usar. El sistema, que no da de comer,
tampoco da de amar: a muchos los condena al hambre
de pan y a muchos más condena al hambre de abrazos."

"El amor es una enfermedad de las más jodidas y contagiosas.
A los enfermos, cualquiera nos reconoce. Hondas
ojeras delatan que jamás dormimos, despabilados
noche tras noche por los abrazos, y padecemos fiebres
devastadoras y sentimos una irresistible necesidad de
decir estupideces."

"Pequeña muerte, llaman en Francia a la culminación del
abrazo, que rompiéndonos nos junta y perdiéndonos nos
encuentra y acabándonos nos empieza. Pequeña muerte,
la llaman; pero grande, muy grande ha de ser, si matándonos nos nace."

Saturday, 5 February 2011

All for a hug

What's the weirdest thing one could do to get or give a good hug?

Friday, 4 February 2011

They say

A hug is like a boomerang - you get it back right away. ~Bil Keane, "Family Circus"

Millions and millions of years would still not give me half enough time to describe that tiny instant of all eternity when you put your arms around me and I put my arms around you. ~Jacques Prévert

Everybody needs a hug. It changes your metabolism. ~Leo Buscaglia

You can't wrap love in a box, but you can wrap a person in a hug. ~Author Unknown

Hug Department: Always Open ~Author Unknown

I love hugging. I wish I was an octopus, so I could hug ten people at a time. ~Drew Barrymore

No matter how hard you hug your money, it never hugs back. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Arm ourselves for war? No! All the arms we need are for hugging. ~Author Unknown


Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Middle East Peace

September 17th , 1978-Washington DC
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat embrace in the East Room of the White House.Camp David Summit concludes with the signing of a "Framework for Peace" in the Middle East.
President of the United States Jimmy Carter applauds.
image source

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