Is it such an inappropriate thing to do ? Queen Elizabeth made the first move!:)
In the next one Tevez doesn't want another hug from Maradona
Side hugging for religious reasons was first labeled the "Christian side hug" in a rap song written by Ryan Pann of California. The song was performed as a skit at the 2009 Encounter Generation evangelical youth conference (EG), hosted by The Fathers House church in Vacaville, CA. The song's lyrics state that attendees will be sent home if they "front hug," so they should opt for the "Christian side hug" instead. The song's video, which has become somewhat of an internet joke, includes gunshot sounds, sirens, and performers dressed like street thugs.
Pann has said the song was satirizing the Christian habit of side hugging,but another mock rap video from the conference reinforces the Christian Side Hug song's message, making it clear that organizers were serious about keeping physical interactions to a minimum. The list of EG conference rules also includes a ban on public displays of affection.
EG is not the only religious youth organization to encourage side hugs over front hugs, with magazine (published by Focus on the Family ), advising readers to refrain from front hugging members of the opposite sex as far back as 2007. Also, rules against front hugging are part of at least some youth leader employment agreements.